Tailored solutions to the needs of the client and projects
Robertson Geotechnical
Geotechnical services are tailored to the nature of the project and the needs of the client. Projects can involve review of documents, consultation, comprehensive subsurface exploration programs and engineering analyses performed in association with Professional Engineers.

Prior to initiating a project, the scope of services and fees are established as part of a Proposal for the evaluation, exploration and preparation of a report. The range of fees for forensic evaluations, distress evaluations and expert work can be presented after discussing the nature of the project with the perspective client.
Evaluations of damaged properties are performed in phases with the initial observations of the property supplemented with building department research and review of in-house documents. Commonly the initial phase of the expert evaluation includes document review, a site visit and consultation with the client. The scope of expert work is a function of the nature of the case and the needs of the client. Further assessment involves distress mapping and assessment of the unevenness or differential elevation across the building floor. The results are utilized to assess causes and to select locations on the property for subsurface exploration.

Geotechnical exploration is the next phase and involves subsurface exploration that can be performed with the aid of hand labor and excavation equipment to advance test pits and borings below the ground so that earth materials and the geologic structure can be observed and mapped by the Engineering Geologist.
Samples collected from the exploratory excavations are tested in the laboratory to determine their engineering properties. The subsurface conditions coupled with the laboratory test results are used in an engineering analysis by the Engineering Geologist and the Professional Engineer to assess slope and site stability and the causes of damage and distress.
A formal report is prepared to discuss the result of the exploration and analysis with opinions on the causes of distress and methods of reasonable remedial treatments. Recommendations for the remedial repair construction are presented to assist the project Architect, Engineer and Contractor in proper design and construction. Reports are suitable for submission to governmental agencies for their review as part of the permit process.